Napoleon Dies in Egypt

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General Napoleon Bonaparte (1769–1799)

Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the most important people in European history. His military expertise led him to become one of the most successful French generals during the French Revolutionary Wars and he would eventually use his talent to crown himself Emperor of the French. His unsuccessful conquest of continental Europe would forever change the face of the continent and the 19th century.

But, what would the world be like if Napoleon never seized power? How would this change the course of history?

Welcome to Napoleon Dies in Egypt.

Point of Divergence[edit | edit source]

Main article: French Revolutionary Wars, Napoleon Bonaparte

Six weeks after launching his siege of the Ottoman fortress city of Acre, General Napoleon Bonaparte was taken ill by the plague that had been spreading in his army for months. On 4 May 1799, less than 24 hours after the general complained of his illness, General Bonaparte was pronounced dead.

Pages[edit | edit source]